Tips in designing a bedroom

Tips in designing a bedroom

How do you decorate bedrooms based on the following factors: Space planning Color schemes Lightning Storage solutions Furniture pieces (materials and finishes) Flooring and walls Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house that is often neglected...
Simple tips for small home

Simple tips for small home

“What are the 4 important things I should prioritize for my condo or small home? Should they focus on Storage? Comfort? Safety? Lifestyle?” Being an interior designer for more than a decade, I have worked with different types of spaces that come in different sizes as...
Furniture selections: Basic guidelines in choosing furniture

Furniture selections: Basic guidelines in choosing furniture

Outdoor and lanai furniture The trend of extending living spaces to the outdoors is fast becoming popular Gone are the days when there was a trend of bringing the outdoors inside. Today, you can witness the ultimate flip, as the trend of extending living spaces to the...
Manila FAME: The Design and Lifestyle Event

Manila FAME: The Design and Lifestyle Event

Bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin tail tongue short ribs pork andouille doner hamburger sirloin ground round meatloaf pork loin turkey brisket. Burgdoggen venison bacon turducken. Pork loin capicola pancetta salami flank venison. Strip steak alcatra tail fatback. Swine...